Our History and Heritage
If we live, work and play together, it’s natural and pleasing to God that we should also worship together. Holding to this belief, the Pinawa Christian Fellowship was founded in the same year as the town of Pinawa – 1963.
If you would like to know more about our early years you can view or download our 50th Anniversary History Book.
Denominational Connections
The Pinawa Christian Fellowship is officially recognized by four denominations. We are your local congregation of,
The Anglican Church of Canada
Mennonite Church Canada
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
(Winnipeg Presbytery)
The United Church of Canada
( Prairie to Pine Regional Council )
The PCF is a not-for-profit incorporated body. Our General Committee, elected from the membership, oversees the life of the congregation. We honour our connections with the wider church and encourage our members to participate in the life and mission of our parent denominations. Each of the denominations recognizes their members “within” the PCF and recognizes the ministry of the PCF as “their” ministry in Pinawa. You can learn more by examining our by-laws on the Documents page of this website.
Members join us by transfer from other churches, or by profession of faith and baptism. Many people are simply “friends” of the congregation. Our friends participate fully in our life and are invited to vote in most matters affecting the conduct of the congregation.
Regular Sunday worship is celebrated at 11:00am in the Pinawa Lutheran Church on Massey Ave. Summer worship between Canada Day and Labour Day is traditionally shared with the Pinawa Lutheran Church and the service begins at 9:15am. Check the welcome and worship pages of this website for the most current news.
Holy Communion is celebrated several times throughout the year. The Pinawa Christian Fellowship has an “open table”. All people who love the Lord, from any branch of Christ’s church, are invited and encouraged to participate.
Baptism and Confirmation are administered according to the tradition of the candidate.
Weddings and funerals are conducted according to the wishes of the family in consultation with our minister.
The PCF enjoys a wide variety of music in worship. Musical styles range from traditional hymns to Gospel songs to Contemporary songs of praise. Sunday praise may be led by an organist or by a guitar, accordion or keyboard player.
Social Events
The PCF is a friendly faith community. Whether it is a potluck dinner or a picnic there is usually something fun planned (and it often involves food!)
Christian Education
The PCF encourages people of all ages to grow in faith. We offer a variety of ways to stretch your mind and heart. “Second Hour” brings speakers and workshops to the hour following worship. Bible or history study groups are formed to investigate a theme or subject more closely. Prior to the pandemic we hosted a monthly “Dinner and Conversation” with a theme speaker. We are hoping to restart “Dinner and Conversation” in the coming year – check the Welcome page or your weekly What’s Up newsletter for current information.
Mission and Outreach
The congregation contributes to the mission funds of all four of our parent denominations. Local and ecumenical concerns, and special projects, are supported both financially and through direct service.
Ministry Staff
In Nov. 2022 the PCF called the Rev. Liz Brasier and she began her ministry here in January 2023. Pastor Liz is an ordained minister of the Mennonite Church with a Masters of Divinity. Her wealth of experience includes congregational ministry, chaplaincy, and columnist on the topics of ethics and spirituality for two national magazines. Liz has served as Associate Pastor at the Rouge Valley Mennonite Church in Markham, ON for six years. Liz has an ecumenical background, having been raised in the Anglican Church and is now a member of the Mennonite Church.
Where is the Pinawa Christian Fellowship?
The PCF has served the community of Pinawa for nearly sixty years now without a church building. We have invested in people and community rather than in property, renting space for all our needs. Worship currently takes place in the Pinawa Lutheran Church. Our Church Office and Meeting Room is in storefront space in the Access Mall at 40 Burrows Road in Pinawa, Manitoba.