before the great disruption of the pandemic, the PCF most often met for worship in the windowless gymnasium at FW Gilbert School. That was fine, but on lovely Summer days it seemed a shame to praise the Lord indoors. Our occasional worship at the beach or by the suspension bridge only underlined how refreshing it was to escape the four walls and the artificial light. When the FW Gilbert School began to make plans for an outdoor classroom it seemed a natural fit for our longing to move worship outdoors. At our 2018 September AGM the PCF donated $5000 seed money for the project, and then… it stalled. This Summer, as we emerged from pandemical malaise, a special committee of the Parent Advisory Council began to move the project along again and work began. A design was tendered and a local builder, Tom Kesalainen, came forward with an interesting proposal. Tom builds traditional “post and beam” structures and he offered to make something extra special for the same price as a “regular” building made of hardware store dimensional lumber. The offer was accepted and, even as fundraising continued, Tom began to craft the components. As winter closed in, the building went up and it is now, mostly, complete. The space is spectacular!
Drop by the FW Gilbert School playground and imagine children gathered for learning and play, and, perhaps, God’s people gathered under the great beams of this beautiful structure. Plans for the Spring include connecting the power line for lights or equipment, and building half walls to further define the space. Our contribution to this project was made from special gifts funds, the legacy of the past generosity of members like you. Thank you!