
At the Pinawa Christian Fellowship we strive to be transparent and accountable. On this page you will find the governing documents of the congregation and current information about our congregational meetings and finances.

Our Mission Statement describes how we aspire to live out our faith in community. Our By-Laws govern the conduct of the congregation, which is a not-for-profit corporation registered in the Province of Manitoba.

You will find our most recently revised By-Laws here, along with our former By-Law #2, appendices which are currently being re-written as Standard Operating Procedures. Those appendices describe many of our activities and the roles of our officers and committees but they were becoming unwieldy in their detail and have been removed from the legal description of the corporation. We preserve them here as a record of our past practice as we seek new ways to be faithful while honouring the history and wisdom of our working together.

The 2024 Fall Annual Meeting…

was held Sunday, Sept. 29 following our worship service. We did not have an in-person quorum and are awaiting votes by email from people not present at the AGM to officially pass the six Motions. Documents from the meeting, including Motions and Draft 2024 AGM Minutes, are below.

The 2024 Budget AGM…

was held on Sunday, February 4 following the worship service. Although a quorum was not met at the meeting, voting remained open by email until Feb. 9, enabling a quorum to be met with a total of 37 voters, all in favour of the Motions on the agenda. The meeting documents are below.

The 2023 Fall Annual Meeting…

was held Sunday, Nov. 26 at the Pinawa Lutheran Church following our worship service.
The meeting Agenda, 2023 Reports and Draft Minutes are below.

A Special Congregational Meeting…

to inform and discuss the future meeting place for PCF Sunday services was held June 18, 2023 following the worship service.

The MOTION “to allow the General Committee to act on behalf of the congregation to review and approve the 3-year rental agreement with Pinawa Lutheran Church, based on the favourable clarification of any points raised at the congregational meeting” was unanimously approved, see documents below for info.

Our 2023 Budget AGM…

was held on January 29 following the worship service. The 2022 Operating Statement and 2023 Budget were unanimously approved and can be found below along with Draft Minutes from the meeting and other documents.

At a 2022 November 20 Special Congregational meeting…

it was unanimously approved to extend a call to Rev. Elizabeth Brasier to become our next Minister. Minutes are below. You can view Rev. Brasier’s Oct. 30 sermon in Pinawa here.

2022 In-person Fall AGM…

Our first in-person congregational meeting in almost 3 years was held Sunday Sept. 25, 2022 at the Pinawa Lutheran Church following our worship service.

Draft Minutes and Committee reports are below.

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre Upgrade Project

The Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre is upgrading their facility and has requested some funding from the PCF.  Our General Committee has arranged for Rob Smith, Keeper of the Centre, to speak about their plans and budget at a “Second Hour” on June 12, 2022 following our Sunday service in the Lutheran Church. The link to Rob’s presentation is below.

The PCF donation of the funds requires the approval of a congregational meeting – the voting will be held electronically after Rob’s presentation.

2022 Online Budget Meeting

Our Financial AGM was held online again this year. The 2021 financial statement and budget for 2022 were accepted. There are links to all documents below including the draft minutes for this year’s meeting.